In the 2019 edition of the Billion Dollar Club, Venture Corporation was named the overall winner across all industry sectors. Still under the capable leadership of chairman and CEO Wong Ngit Liong, the company has retained this title this year. And of course, it is the overall winner in its sector as well, on top of being ranked top for returns to sharehold- ers and growth in profit after tax.

The company, set up in 1989, is widely acknowledged as one the biggest success stories of the Singapore manufacturing sector, which remains a core of the economy through the decades.

Venture has stayed ahead amid changing times, expanding its offerings to marketing research, design, as well as research and development of a wide range of products needed by customers in growing and high-tech industries. These range from printing and imaging, to networking and communications devices, handheld interactive scanning and computing products, advanced storage systems and devices, financial-related equipment and technology, industrial, power and energy-related products, test and measurement equipment and instrumentation, medical and healthcare devices, as well as life science equipment.

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