Just eight years ago, a company serving the semiconductor industry was teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. It was losing its investors and was on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) Watchlist, set to be delisted if it could not meet requirements such as the minimum market capitalisation, or earnings.

Fast forward to 2020, and this same company has gained prominence as a global semiconductor test and handling company. Its share price has jumped about twice since the start of the year. It has also seen record earnings throughout the year.

The company is AEM Holdings, and the man behind its revival is executive chairman Loke Wai San. At this year’s Centurion Club, AEM took home a whole string of awards: Within the Software and IT Services as well as the Technology Equipment and Telecommunications Services industry sectors, AEM is being recognised for generating the best returns for shareholders, and also the best-weighted return on equity.

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