Watch retailer Cortina Holdings says it was subjected to a “sophisticated cyber-attack”. According to the group, an unknown party had gained unauthorised access to one of the group’s servers and encrypted the information. The incident took place only recently.
The group says that it has since taken immediate steps to identify, contain and address the potential attack on the server including isolating the affected server. It has also contacted its external information technology consultant to help with the matter. The police and the Personal Data Protection Commission have been informed.
Affected parties will be contacted on June 7.
“The group will also continue to take steps to strengthen its cybersecurity. [It] takes information security very seriously and as part of this process, it is conducting a rigorous review of the incident and its systems to ensure that the data it is entrusted with is secure,” says the group.
The cyber-attack suffered by Cortina was announced a day after another retailer, Aspial Lifestyle, which runs the Goldheart jewellery brand, said around 42,000 customers' data had been compromised.
Shares in Cortina closed flat at $3.66 on June 6.