The Edge Singapore’s 2025 virtual global portfolio features a 10-stock geographically diversified portfolio. Yes, the US markets have far outperformed every other market over the medium to longer term, but our portfolio’s goal this year is to beat passive investing actively. In other words, we will attempt to beat the comparable benchmark index where each stock is listed.
To recap, our virtual portfolio was incepted on January 24, 2020. Our performance over a five-year period was 201.7%, or a CAGR of 24.7%. This year’s portfolio will be constructed similarly to previous ones, with 10 stocks allocated equally wherever possible.
The start date for this year’s portfolio was Jan 31, when the stock picks were published online, using closing prices. After accounting for all returns and cash, the portfolio’s starting value was US$301,655 ($407,862.36).
The Table shows the allocation for the 10 stocks for our virtual portfolio and the comparable benchmark. As with previous instalments, our 2025 portfolio will not account for transaction costs and exchange rate fluctuations in tracking the performance.
On the other hand, dividends and capital changes to the stocks will be accounted for when tracking the portfolio’s performance.
Similar to previous portfolio iterations, we will have the flexibility to buy, sell, add or reduce stocks in the 2025 portfolio at our discretion when their investment cases have changed or if they have achieved their target prices.
See also: Nintendo shares plunge on tariff fears, foreign investor retreat
Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or solicitation or expression of views to influence readers to buy or sell stocks, including the stocks mentioned herein. This article does not take into account an investor’s particular financial situation, investment objectives, investment horizon, risk profile, risk tolerance and preferences. Any personal investments should be done at the investor's own discretion and/or after consulting licensed investment professionals, at their own risk.